
Saturday, March 13, 2010

I have been the worst blogger in the world lately. I have so much to post about and so many pictures to upload, but I just wanted to jot down a few things about Haley lately before I forget them.

*The other morning she came in first thing and woke Jason up, "Dad, dad, is it a lion or a lamb day today?" It was so cute. Jason didn't have any idea what she was talking about. They've been talking about March coming in like a lion, going out like a lamb at school I guess. So, everyday she wants to know if it's a lion or lamb day.

*A week ago, Haley turned 6. This week I have overheard her so many times saying, "When I was 5, I used to..." like it was soooooo long ago. And like she's so much more grown up now. It's funny. And adorable.

*Just a few minutes ago, she came running up the stairs crying so hard. When I asked her what was wrong she said that the boys made a mii on the wii named Haley and that they were calling it "the real Haley". Through sobs she said, "But I'm the REAL Haley". It was so funny, but she was so serious, I couldn't laugh about it.

*The other night, we told Britton and Haley to go to bed and Britton jumped up and started dancing all over the room. Haley jumped up and said, "Oh, Britton, save it for your pillow!" I have no idea where she got that from. Jason and I couldn't stop laughing. She obviously heard it on tv or something, but it was too funny hearing it come out of her.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

You guys could write a book with Haley anecdotes.