I saw this on several other blogs and thought I'd give it a try. It's just a random list of 100 things about me.
1. I love having 4 different seasons, when each new one comes I always think it's my favorite.
2. I love the mountains.
3. I love to travel.
4. I get up at 5:45 every morning, except weekends.
5. My kids are my favorite people in the world.
6. Being a stay-at-home mom is hard for me, but I absolutely love it.
7. I wish I could take really good pictures.
8. I wish I was more organized.
9. If I went back to school, I'd want to study genetics.
10. All of our furniture in our house was given to us or is hand-me-downs, I can't wait until I can pick out my own furniture.
11. I love to write.
12. I'm a closed person.
13. I love people watching.
14. I love learning about people.
15. I love watching my kids play together.
16. I love tulips, especially yellow ones.
17. I wish I was more artistic.
18. I love chocolate.
19. It's hard for me to spend money on myself.
20. I had a great childhood.
21. I have a great group of friends from high school and college that are still my best friends.
22. I like to sing but don't sing very well.
23. I always sing in the car.
24. It makes me smile when Britton sings along with me in the car.
25. I like writing poetry, but haven't for a while.
26. I love making lists.
27. I would eat spaghetti and brownies everyday if I could.
28. I think my parents are the greatest.
29. I love all my siblings and their spouses. I wish we all lived in the same neighborhood.
30. I like to reminisce.
31. I like to read, but don't find a lot of time too.
32. I love reading the scriptures and having doctrinal discussions.
33. I love teaching.
34. I think all people are fascinating.
35. I really like watching TV.
36. I wish I would've taken some interior design classes, but I never would have thought of it when I was in school because it doesn't sound very "smart".
37. I think Haley is one of the funniest people I've ever met.
38. I like watching the Gilmore Girls.
39. It's hard for me to share my feelings with other people.
40. Jason is my best friend.
41. I used to play the violin.
42. I speak French.
43. I want to visit all the continents in the world.
44. I want to visit all 50 states.
45. I used to HATE vegetables and now they're not so bad.
46. I wear the same pair of shoes everyday, even though I have a lot of shoes.
47. In the past month I started lifting weights again everyday and my body loves it.
48. I love camping.
49. I miss being able to jog forever.
50. I would like to learn to play the guitar and the piano.
51. I've gotten shy in my old age.
52. I used to love to act.
53. I like to make people laugh.
54. I like playing Dr. Mario and Tetris.
55. I miss playing basketball.
56. I would like to be able to play volleyball better.
57. I'm not a pet person.
58. I don't like calling people that I don't know.
59. I'm very competitive when I play games, but I'm getting better.
60. I love playing cards.
61. I love eating out, even fast food.
62. I am hard on myself, but easy on others.
63. I love roller coasters.
64. My favorite thing is making my kids laugh so hard they can't stop.
65. I love the rain.
66. I like reading celebrity gossip and trivia even though it's unimportant.
67. I spend too much time on the computer.
68. I have really thin hair.
69. I like living close to my parents.
70. I like tan feet.
71. I don't like shopping.
72. I love learning new things.
73. I like my eyes.
74. I want to be my kid's best friend.
75. Even though I've lived in Utah my whole life, I've never been skiing. And now I feel like I'm too old to learn.
76. I can't sleep in past 7.
77. I love having a DVR.
78. I've broken the same arm in the same place twice.
79. I like playing games.
80. I like doing things late at night.
81. I want to build a treehouse.
82. I have big plans for my yard, but right now we struggle even to keep it watered.
83. I've learned so much about myself since I've become a mom.
84. I like to make things up when I'm cooking instead of using a recipe.
85. I'm bad at keeping in touch with people, but I still think about them all the time.
86. I love dreams.
87. I've been very blessed.
88. I'm bad at making friends, so I'm grateful for those who have made me their friend.
89. I have a hard time saying no.
90. I'm excited about the future.
91. I don't need/want to have a big house.
92. I like going to the movies.
93. I love popcorn.
94. I love roadtrips.
95. I like waverunners.
96. I don't like shaving my legs.
97. Even though I get up really early, I'm usually not dressed until about 10.
98. My kids love being naked.
99. I don't like change.
100. I want to be a better mom and wife.