
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here is a quote from a book I just recently read:

"But as of today, I have to admit it: I have a crush on science.

Can you love a thought? Can you love a concept?

Not to be too dramatic, but when Ms. Shepherd explained that about the flu shot and about us all being freaks of nature, it was like something reached inside of my chest and yanked on my soul. Like somebody opened up my head and shouted down into my brain, "Do you get it? Mena, are you you listening?"

It's just that it all makes sense. In the same way that God makes sense to me sometimes and I really think I can feel Him. I can see the order to things, His purpose behind them. I wish I felt that way more often--about God, I mean--but whenever I do, it's like someone has pumped up my heart with helium, and I can barely keep from floating off into space."
Evolution, Me, & Other Freaks of Nature Brande, Robin

I just loved this passage. Maybe because I have a crush on science too. And there are thoughts and concepts that I just love, that click inside my heart and mind, that speak to my soul. In the same way that God does. It just made me think of the brief moments in my life where everything in the universe seems to make sense. I love those moments.


Desiree said...

Now I have the crush on you song stuck in my head!

How does Britton like his new teacher? Has Haley started kindergarten?

sunsetandcamden said...

That's funny, I haven't thought about that song in forever.

Britton really likes his new teacher and Haley just started today, so we'll see how that goes. She was excited all morning and the drop off went well, so I think that's a good sign. She's grown up so much in even the last few months.