I haven't written in a while, so I decided to do my week in the abc's. That way you'll get a lot of details that really aren't so blogworthy. Lucky you!
A is for American Idol--I can't believe that Melinda got kicked off this week, she's just too good. Even though I still like Blake and Jordin, I really thought Melinda would win.
B is for babysitting--I did way too much of it this week. Watching the kids downstairs and my nephews.
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me!
D is for daring--Britton continues to amaze me as he learns tricks on the trampoline. He has now mastered the one-legged flip (something he came up with himself).
E is for elderly--for Young Women's we had a dinner with the elderly of our ward. It turned out really nice. The youth had been paired off previously and assigned an elderly couple to visit a few times before the dinner to get to know them. Then, they also picked them up for the dinner. We played some fun games, my favorite one was 2 truths and a lie. It was funny to see what the older folks made up for their lies.
F is for first aid--we had a first aid clinic yesterday for camp certification. It was a good refresher for me on CPR.
G is for Gilmore Girls--I can't believe it's over! The series finale was last Tuesday. I'm really going to miss watching it every week. Good thing there are a ton of reruns on my DVR! Maybe I'll have to break down and buy all the seasons.
H is for Haley's haircut--I trimmed Haley's hair this week. The spots where she and Britton cut it a while ago are finally growing out. They're not quite long enough to be layers, but they're getting there. Luckily, they are in places that aren't noticeable unless you look for them.
I is for island--I wish I lived on an island. Maybe one day.
J is for John and Reed's birthday. The twins are 9! We went to their birthday party Friday night. It was fun. They got a lot of gifts that they were really excited about. And, as always, my mom bought presents for all the kids, so Britton and Haley also made out like bandits with new clothes, legos, and little people.
K is for karate party--Britton had a karate party last night. They invited all the kids and their friends to the karate studio for a big party. So, their were kids of all ages there from all the different classes. It's the first time we've gone to one of them. Britton loved it. They practiced a few karate things and he was really focused and did everything well. Then they played "Gladiator" and ate pizza. It was fun.
L is for Lady Fanny of Omaha (always worth mentioning).
M is for Music and Lyrics--we saw this movie last night. I know it's been out for quite a while, but we don't get a chance to watch movies very often. I really liked it. It was a fun movie with catchy music. I think Hugh Grant makes a great has-been pop star.
N is for nose--my nose keeps running and sneezing because it's hayfever time! Time to get some good medicine!
O is for Oprah--I happened to catch part of Oprah this week when she had the cast of the movie, "Hairspray" on her show. It made me really excited to see the movie. It looked fantastic!
P is for passports--we're still waiting for them to arrive! I can't wait!
Q is for Questar Gas--I called all of my bill companies this week to either cancel my services in August or switch over to email bills for while we're in China. It's amazing how long you are on the phone for simple requests. I had to go through the different menu options and stay on hold, etc. for each one. Who has time for those kinds of things?
R is for reading--Britton's getting to be quite good at sounding out words and reading silent e words. He loves doing it too.
S is for Samuel the Lamanite--I got to dress up and play Samuel the Lamanite for our Primary party yesterday morning. It was fun. The kids got to throw stones (balls of paper) at me while I was standing on a wall. They got a kick out of it.
T is for temple--Tuesday we had a special ward temple night and the temple president spoke to our ward before we all went to a session together. It was nice to be there with so many people I know.
U is for underwear--Haley changes hers about 10 times a day.
V is for very tired--the last few weeks I've been very tired all the time. My eyes burn from the combination of little sleep and hayfever. It's not a fun feeling.
W is for work, work, work--Jason's been working like crazy lately. I'm proud of him, but I hardly ever get to see him. We need him to work a lot so we can afford this upcoming trip to China.
X is for xbox--Kyler, the boy who lives downstairs, snuck in our house while we were gone to play xbox. I was so mad! But, after talking to him about it and his mom talking to him about it, I know he won't do it again. Now, I just think it's kind of funny. And, we'll be checking to make sure all our doors are locked when we leave from now on.
Y is for yard sale--last Saturday (May 12th) we had a big yard sale to try to sell a lot of our stuff before moving to China. It was quite successful. We got rid of most of the things we wanted to. There are a few other's that we'll be listing on Craig's List though. And the rest will be off to DI. I have fun when I do a yard sale, though. I love being outside all day seeing everyone in the neighborhood. And I love when people get something they need at a cheap price. One man was so excited. He bought a lot from us and said, "You're furnishing my whole house!"
Z is for zoo--we went to the zoo with Desiree and kids on Tuesday. It was a great day for the zoo, not too hot. We went around the opposite way that we normally go so we weren't burned out at the same animals as usual. We went at a nice leisurely pace. It was great.