
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Conversation with Britton

This is a conversation that I had with Britton a few minutes ago while eating dinner:

Britton (to me): You're not so smart. ( I forget what I said to inspire such a comment from him)
Me: Oh, really?
Britton: Well, not as smart as me.
Me: How do you think you got so smart? (Trying to get at least a little bit of credit)
Britton: From Dad
He thinks for a minute.
Britton: Well, maybe I was just born smart. Do you know who taught me that 2 +2=4?
Me: Who?
Britton: Myself. I just knew it.

Then he went on to tell me that two 10's are 20 and ten 10's are 100 and so on. While I'd like to take credit for his smarts, he may be on to something. He probably was born smart.

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