
Sunday, July 13, 2008

A very late "We're Home" post

I haven't posted in such a long time and so many things have happened. I thought about doing one great big post about everything, but there are some things that really deserve a post of their own. And since this is a journal, I really do want to do justice to some of the cool things that we've done lately.
So, it may take me a while, but I WILL get up to date. I have so many pictures that I need to upload as soon as my camera battery is charged and I find my USB camera cord.
We have been home for 2 weeks now and we have done so many things that it feels like we've been here two months. But, then I look around at my still unpacked house and it feels like it's only been a few days. One day I'll feel settled again, hopefully. It's been so fun to get to see family and friends and catch up with everyone.
The weather here is wonderful and the air is so clean! And everything is so convenient and easy, like driving places instead of walking and having things open 24 hours and having clean, sit down toilets in public restrooms.
Anyway, I'll try to start posting about our last 2-3 weeks soon!


Mel said...

Hey, I get to comment! :) I know everyone else is so happy to have you guys back in Utah. But not us! See you Wedn.

dlkenney said...

Welcome home!!! I hope you and your family can make it to the Potluck Picnic on August 9th. It will be fun to see everyone again.

Emily Youngdell said...

Hey Mary, this is Emily Youngdell. I just wanted to tell you Welcome Home and it was really fun to see you up at Oakcrest!

Leanne said...

Hurry, can't wait to see how you're doing. Volleyball was so much fun!!!