
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alphabet Vacation

Before I start telling this story, I have to explain that Haley can't say her "S's". She was tongue-tied until age 3 when Dr. Nate discovered it while working on her teeth. Anyway, she learned to talk without moving her tongue, so there are certain sounds she still has trouble with. So, her "S's" sound like "F's".

Yesterday I volunteered in Britton's class and they learned a really cute song called, "Alphabet Vacation". It goes through the whole alphabet and tells where each letter went on vacation, for example, A went to the aquarium, B went to the beach, and so on.

After school, Britton and I were trying to sing it for Haley and Jason. We couldn't remember all of it and when we got to "F" we got stuck. We knew it said "F flew to the ___________" but we couldn't remember what. So, Jason started guessing things. "Farm", "Fire Station", "Fun house", etc. Then, Haley piped in, "Fimming pool" (Swimming pool). It was hilarious and we all got a good laugh.

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