I've noticed something about myself. Whenever Jason is sick, I am far from sympathetic. I do one of two things. First, and most often, I think he's faking it and just doesn't want to go to work. So, then I'm just mad at him and fight instead of doing what I should by taking care of him. How horrible is that?
Or, I acknowledge that he's sick but downplay how bad it is, being excited that he stayed home to play with me or with the kids. Then I demand his attention or make him help with the kids or whatever when really I should just let him rest and get better.
Anyway, today he is sick. Since I've realized how utterly bad I am at taking care of him, I've tried to do better. Tried not to be demanding or mean or make him do anything, etc. But, around lunch time, I couldn't help but take advantage of the fact that he is home. He and Britton were both in bed (Britton is sick too) and Haley was down for a nap, so I snuck away and did something I've never done before--I went out to eat by myself.
There's a little Chinese place that I love close to our house. They have a lunchtime buffet, but I rarely get to go to it because we hardly ever eat out and when we do, it isn't lunchtime. So, I took a book and went. It was so nice just to have some alone time to sit and think and read and eat and people watch. Although, I didn't do much people watching because I was pretty into my book and tucked back into the corner booth. But, I was forced to watch for a few minutes because there was a funny lady who seemed to know everyone and she would yell across the restaurant to talk to them. I think this particular place attracts a pretty steady crowd for lunch from the surrounding businesses.
I was having a great time, I could've stayed there all afternoon, but after about 40 minutes, it started to get more crowded and as a few people were waiting at the door I could just tell they were thinking, "Why is that girl hogging a whole table all to herself, just sitting there reading and taking her own sweet time?" So, I decided to be polite and pack it up and go home to take care of my sick ones. Luckily, they are all still sound asleep and it wasn't an inconvenience on Jason who is trying to recover.