
Saturday, June 06, 2009

I love Summer

I have been the worst blogger lately and I have no idea why. I really love to have a record of things so I have got to do better.

Well, the first week of summer is now over and this is how it's going so far: AMAZING!

I love summer! So far we've been really good at keeping to what I want do everyday. I don't want to be over scheduled, but I do want to get out and do things. It's a fine balance, I think. We're planning on going to the mountains every Monday, the Rec Center on Tuesdays, 7 Peaks on Wednesdays, staying home on Thursdays, and then the library on Fridays. But, also, all those things are flexible, so they can be adjusted each week as well. I also want to do a bit of school each day with my kids. So far, they have been great about doing school and they love it. It's fun for me and I try not to do too much so they won't get burned out. They read for 20 minutes each day and then do "basket work". For basket work, I just have 4 different things planned each day. Usually a reading or spelling assignment, some kind of math thing, journals, and then a game or puzzle. In all, it takes them less than an hour. For reading time, they each have a book bag with 10 books in it that they keep all week long. They read as many as they can in the allotted time. And then I have them read one book to me during that time. Haley goes through her books quickly so she reads almost all of them each day (and she's not really reading yet, so it's more like memorizing or looking at the pictures, but it's still good for her). Britton has more chapter books or longer books, so he sometimes doesn't even get through one whole book in the 20 minutes. Then Fridays, when we're at the library, we get new books for the week. So far, it's working out really well. I really hope we can be consistent all summer long.

I will try to post the pictures soon that go along with the last little while.

1 comment:

dlkenney said...

Our summer vacation starts this week for one child and the other 3 start next week. I am going to have to follow your example and have some type of schedule of activities, so that we can try to get a variety throughout our summer.