After church, we were all just lounging around watching TV and doing nothing when Jason said, "Do you guys want to go to the cabin?" I wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea, but the reaction from the kids made me change my mind. So, we packed up and went for a nice drive up to the cabin. It turned out to be such a great idea because it was a beautiful day and we all had so much more fun than sitting around at home. We got to be out in the fresh air, play some card games, and take some pictures. Jason even got a quick nap in. We also drove his dad's 4 wheeler up there so that we can use it next time we are there. It'll be fun to be able to explore the mountain on it. I really love being up there.
hey, Kaitlynn's link is on my list of links, but her blog address is I love spending sundays away, it makes me relax better, we just need to hook up with a cabin in Pine Valley where it is 10-20 degrees cooler!!!!!
hey, Kaitlynn's link is on my list of links, but her blog address is I love spending sundays away, it makes me relax better, we just need to hook up with a cabin in Pine Valley where it is 10-20 degrees cooler!!!!!
I would love to have a cabin, someday. I guess my trailer sitting at my moms campsite will have to do for now.
Can we work on getting a hook-up at the cabin for a BYU football weekend up there? I'd love that.
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