
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Student's Names

All of the student's have English names that they have chosen or their parent's or teacher's have helped them choose. It's so funny to me some of the names. For the most part they are pretty standard--John, Jenny, Mary, Fred, Ben etc. But, some of them are quite unique and creative.
Here are some of my favorites:
Uki (since when is Uki an English name?)
Kobe Brian (I can't bring myself to tell him that it's Bryant, not Brian because he seems to be such a big fan of Kobe's)
J-Hizzle (What?)

Anyway, it's kind of fun to see what they come up with. As far as learning their names goes, I'm actually doing quite well. Last Friday, I made my classes mix up and line up at the back of the room and I went around saying their names. If I didn't get it right, they got candy. They really had a fun time with it. They were trying to hide their faces or take of their glasses so I wouldn't recognize them. Out of my 3 eighth grade classes (about 90 students) I only missed 6 kids total. So, that's not bad at all. Way better than I would have expected. And that was only my 2nd time with most of them.
So, I thought that I pretty much had a handle on the name learning thing, and then Monday my 7th grade classes started and I've got 120 more faces to learn. We'll see how I do today with it.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

That is soo funny! I love their names.