
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dream Big, but also Act

So, the other day I had a realization about myself. I was packing and cleaning and my friend Alice was over helping me. We opened my chest where I keep all my crocheting stuff and started packing it nicely into bins. She was amazed to see how much stuff I had. And she commented, "You have a lot of projects you are working on. " And I'm sure that she didn't even really mean anything by it, but it got me thinking. I am totally a project starter. But, not necessarily a finisher. And it's not just on crafty things, it's pretty much on everything. She didn't know that half of those projects I started over 7 years ago. And that really I don't have any intention on finishing some of them.
So, I started thinking of all the other things in my life that I have started but not finished. Or maybe haven't even started but have talked about doing for years and years. Why don't I follow through on my dreams? With some of them, it's that I have sincerely changed my mind and don't want to anymore. But, with a lot, they are still things that I want to do, but maybe I'm too afraid to actually act.
I'm the kind of person that really likes to make lists and goals and think of things that I would like to do or ways to better myself. But, sometimes, I think I stop with just thinking about it or talking about it. And I want to be better on the action end of things. I've always admired people who were doers instead of talkers. And maybe that's because it's something that is hard for me. So, now, I want to start DOING more. I think I need to be less of a project starter (or thinker upper) and more of a project finisher.


Madame said...

I think China is a big start in that direction. I hope you just tossed the projects you don't actually like.

Wendi said...

If the worst thing you ever slack on is not finish a couple of knitting projects, I think you'll be okay! =)

Aaron said...

Knitting projects and such can be put away in bins. Children cannot! That never-ending project will often dictate how we spend our time--and that's they way it should be. I sometimes think that I want more time for my own hobbies, then I think about my parents. They never spent their time on personal hobbies. They still don't--it's always about their kids. I'm not saying you can't do both, nor am I saying that those with hobbies are neglecting their kids. I am only speaking about me and my situation. I can't do both very well right now. . .

Wendi said...

Tag--you're it! See my blog for more details.