
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Sweetest Thing

Haley can be the sweetest thing sometimes. There were a few things that she did yesterday that I just wanted to document.

*First, we were in the car ready to leave for the library and Jason was loading up his truck getting ready to head out for work. Haley said, "Wait, I want to give dad a hug when he passes by." So she rolled down her window, stopped him when he passed by, and gave him a hug and a kiss. Afterwards, she was just smiling so cutely. And she said to me, "I just gave him some good luck."

*When I pulled into the parking space at the library, I accidentally hit the curb. It made a pretty loud noise and it kind of scared Haley. So, as we were walking in I said, "I'm not a very good driver." Haley quickly responded, "You're a great mom, though. You take care of everybody." It was so cute that she wanted to reassure me that I'm good at something. :)

*Each time we go to the library, Haley puts the books into the drop off thing one by one and it kind of takes a while. She was going through all the books, returning them, and then she got to the princess DVD we had checked out. She paused, looked at it, then kissed it. As she put it in the drop off, she said, "Bye, I will sure miss you." It was really cute.


Aaron said...

Thanks for sharing. Great experiences.

Rachelle said...

That was an adorable post!!!! Thanks for sharing. Made me smile. :)